Saturday, July 30, 2011

Brief account of Parkinson disease

Here i will write a brief account of Parkinson disease

Parkinson disease is named after Sir James Parkinson.
It is a movement disorder commonly come out in clinical exam.
PD is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer's disease.
It charcterized by TRAP
T for tremor
R for rigidity (cogwheel)
A for akinesia/bradykinesia
P for postural instability
When these four feature present , it represent Parkinsonism.
glabellar tap is an optional demonstration
postural instability by righting reflex is a dangerous ACT to perform in exam!
Pls describe the monotonous speech, mask like facies, stoop posture, lack of arm swing and festinant gait.

To confirm idiopathic Parkinson disease or Parkinson disease (PD)
student need to rule out Parkinson plus symptom
such as eyes movement
cerebellar sign

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